Friday 17 December 2010

Recee Sheet

Just completed the second recee sheet,  and decided to perhaps make it our only location, to save travelling and it seems more appropriate than the first. We're unsure of a final decision yet, but considering our final choice, it will be documented.

Thursday 16 December 2010

Recee Sheet

Today I was going to go to our location and take photo's to do the recee sheet for our film. But due to the weather (raining heavily), I wouldn't have been able to get up a hill to get some photo's and they wouldn't of been good quality. But instead I had some photo's of the location when we did a practices recee sheet.


Friday 10 December 2010

Deadline change

Due to the snow we were unable to come into college for a week, as a result of this the deadline has now been moved to Lunchtime on the 13th January.


Pitch Feedback - Jade's post.

Having presented our pitch to the rest of the media group, we received written feedback which I shall be discussing now.
Collectively - the feedback suggests that we have really good ideas, however they doubt that it can be easily placed in to such a short space of time and as a group we have discussed this and created a shot list to determine the amount of time we have available.
Some believed that the ideas were too complicated, however following the pitch when we further explained the plot they became more understanding and interested - perhaps our pitch was slightly confusing?
They showed great interest in the make up ideas we presented, considering the realism of the images, and the thought of being able to successfully recreate that.
One person didn't understand the link between the plot and the featuring song, however again, following explanation - this became clear.
Overall, I am generally pleased with the pitch results as they have complimented our success whilst constructively criticising our faults. With the given thoughts, we will consider our work and perhaps reconstruct the areas that need work.