Friday 28 January 2011

Garage Band - first try

Today was our first time using Garage Band and we produced a first sample of a suitable soundtrack considering our narrative/genre.

Friday 21 January 2011

Production Schedule

Shot List

We realise the shot list is in a very different order to our final video, but having had some feedback we decided that in order for our film to make more sense we needed to rearrange the shots in order to make the narrative clear. The same shots were used in majority, however just rearranged.

Title Research and Lighting Design

Depth Script

The script slightly alters from the script of our final video for the reason that originally the narrative didn't flow to well, and we thought it would be best to rearrange the order and have a softer flowing narrative. Some lines of dialogue were removed and extras added in order to achieve this.


The storyboard is different to our final video for the reason that our original video draft didn't make too much sense where the narrative was concerned, so in the construction/post production stage we altered the order of our shots in order for it to flow better and make more sense.

Test Shot/Character Design sheet and Make Up Design Sheet.

Recee Sheet

Film Treatment

Pitch Planning/Final Pitch


Health and Safety/Release form

Evaluation of Previous Student's Work

Textual Analysis - Jade

Textual Analysis - Helen

Textual Analysis - Bronwyn

Title design

Textual analysis - Narrative

audience research sheet 3

Audience research sheet 2

Audience research sheet 1

BBFC - Audience and certificate research.

Friday 14 January 2011

Reviewing A2 media student's work - Music Video.

Today in lesson our class joined up with the A2 group - in order to watch their created music videos and assess them based on a provided mark scheme. The main aim of watching these was to inspire us in both ways that will influence our horror film (such as variety of shots) and perhaps in A2 if we decide to continue with media and create our own music video.
When reviewing we noticed that the majority of videos lacked originality and narrative - however all contained a consistently high level of shot variations (angles and types) lighting, colour and sound. The editing varied throughout the videos, for example some mainly provided us with clean cut footage whereas others had jagged cuts - creating a sense of unfamiliarity and unrealism.
The students, having previously made a horror film advised to film early, allowing plenty of time for re shooting if need be. They told us of the problems they had with weather conditions, and how they solved those, and also made sure we were able to rely on one another, and not to include too many actors in case we are let down in the future.
We found this all very helpful, and hope to put it in to action when we come to creating our own. :)

Thursday 13 January 2011

Today is the hand in for our courswork, we have started to look at dates as to when we can begin filming and we have also began to look at what costumes and props we will be using in our film.

Monday 10 January 2011

Meeting- Helen Gill

Jade and I met today to finish up any work in our horror film folder, as the hand in is in a couple of days.