Friday 1 April 2011

Evaluation Question 2 - Bronwyn

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

In a horror film you will generally see elements of blood, death, murder, darkness, victims and other gory elements, we explored these conventions that are needed in a horror by studying the films 'Saw', 'Halloween' and 'Nightmare on elm street'. The research was important as we discovered what we could challenge and it helped us to distinguish and to include in our horror film to make it scary. We have demonstrated these conventions well through out our production, you mostly notice this by having the focus on the Voodoo doll which included us having a weapon for the villain to stab the voodoo, victims getting murdered and showing a lot blood especially with our title sequence. Because of the conventions we used, you can distinctly recognize that it's a horror. We have challenged the conventions of a horror by the realism of the narrative. We decided that the idea of a prisoner realistically escaping from prison is going to be more believable and therefore hopefully more shocking- as the majority of horror films are instantly recognized as unrealistic. We developed stereotypical convention such as the colour schemes, music and stereotyped our villain who's a young male prisoner with the use of clothing being in a tracksuit.A film that inspired us was 'Dark Water' which use's a rare convention of a horror, is a little child's voice singing a children's rhyme for  horrific effect, with the use of voice being creepy. We thought this was effect as an innocent child voice can be haunting so we took that idea and made it fit with the other conventions in the story to make it more scary.

This is the child's rhyme that inspired our film - 'Dark Water'.

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