Friday 25 March 2011

Evaluation Question 1 - Jade

Introduction: what did you make, who did you work with and where did the original idea come from?

For our media assignment, we were to create the beginning of a horror film; of two minute duration. Having selected the psychological sub-genre, it was essential that research was carried out into previous similar films.
Watching the beginning of films such as...

- The Others

- Sixth Sense

- The Ring

...inspired our thoughts and began to build the foundation of our film. We were able to research in to title sequences, and the way cinematography/mise en scene/sound and editing reflect the genre chosen. Our final idea was mainly inspired by the infamous Voodoo Doll.

Whilst looking at other students previous work ( we came across one that involved torture and we became great fans of the narrative. Having adapted it in our own ways (such as involving crime and separate narratives for character development) our idea was firm, and we were to begin looking at the technical aspects of our own creation.

Our production process went really well and amazingly we managed to shoot all the necessary footage in one single day. There were no problems with the crew, as we only had two actors, and one was a member of the team - also the weather was exactly as we had hoped. One slight problem we had with filming was how quickly it became dark and consequently we often struggled to set up the lighting correctly in order to accommodate this. However, once we watched the footage back on the computer and made some slight contrast adjustments we were pleased with the outcome.

The relationship between our group of three was outstanding, already being friends helped to work as a team in order to create the best possible result. Everyone had a fair share of work to do, and whenever there was a problem (such as the natural lighting) all members of the group would forward their suggestions of how to tackle the issue(s) and eventually come to a resolution.

Wednesday 23 March 2011


Today, myself and Jade came in during enrichment to see what other things could be done before our deadline. In the end we wrote a script for what will be said on a newscast during our film. We are going to record this on Friday and then put it onto our film.

Wednesday 16 March 2011

New ideas 2

Regarding our last post, and the changes we realised were needed, the above video shows the change we have made in order to correctly structure the narrative. Some music and radio reports still need to be added, however the video footage we believe is now in the correct order and we are extremely pleased with the way it has turned out so far.
Jade and Helen spent some extra time in the media room today re-filming the title sequence in order to improve the quality and realism of the clip.

Friday 4 March 2011

New ideas for film

Having had some audience feedback on the first draft of our film editing, it became evident that the narrative wasn't too clear and therefore uneasy to understand. Having the original idea of a convict escaping prison, using a voodoo doll to murder his victims and then passing his work on to another person appeared to hard to construct successfully so we shall alter it slightly order wise. Using the same shots we will reconstruct the film so that the running order is:
The use of the voodoo doll,
The protagonist being captured (radio announcement and title sequence)
And then his work being continued by someone else.
The reason for doing this is to make it easier to understand, and overall more successful. We hope doing so will increase the effect our film has on its audience.