Tuesday 26 October 2010

Bronwyn's Evaluation

On October 17th we went out to film our recreation of previous year 12 psychological horror 'Pendant'. Using the camera we showed that we can hold shots steady (with or without a tripod) and with panning as well as it wasn't jerky movement and it followed the person at the right speed. We used a variety of shot that were suitable for a horror to make it tense. When using compositing techniques we made sure we had the write amount of head room and that we were using the rule of thirds in every shot. I think we might have gone over the 180oc rule but it was to make our character feel more afraid.

When filming we made sure that continuity would be right when editing so we made sure bags weren't in the shots or our actor wouldn't be in one position then in to another position between shot. Most of our shots flowed together nicely without having to use any transitions. There is just one shot to the other that doesn't flow perfectly as our actor isn't fully sat on the bench, next shot she is. I think what looks effective at the end with the editing is when the pendant is spotted because it's flows well and is a shocking to the audience.  

When making decisions who our actor for the film will be we thought about friends who will be available and willing to be filmed, our actor (Sarah Woodall) did work for our film as there wasn't much acting to do. But we didn't meet our actor before filming which could have been a problem. So next time it would be best to meet our actor before filming. Choosing costume and make up wasn't an issue as the character in the film was dressed in everyday clothes. We asked for our actor to wear casual clothes and to have plain make up on that would enhance her face. In the 'Pendant' the most important prop is the pendant it's self. We looked at the pendant they used in the original film, to compare we looked for gold jewellery in our group and found that Jade had an earring that was similar and I had a gold chain that we combined together to make the pendant which looked realistic to the one in the film. The location was perfect as we chose the same location where the original was shoot. Though we did use a different angle of the park. There wasn't too many people around which didn't make it distracting or difficult to film.

How I help and contributed to the filming.
-As a group we decided what recreation we would be doing, but I had my own opinion why it would be good to shoot as it had lots of different camera angles and shots
-I had the responsibility of looking after the camera and making sure to bring it to the location. And taking the camera and tripod back the next day and making sure it didn't have anything missing.
-I did some of the filming at the beginning of the film. When i was filming i made sure that i was using the correct rules for the shoot. And before made sure that in the shoot nothing would ruined it e.g. a person walking in the shoot.
-I did some editing and made sure that they flowed together and that we were using the right shots.

I think as a group we worked really well together and had some good organization skills for this task. But when we come to film our final coursework film we should do somethings differently. I think we should give out jobs and take it more in turns for filming and editing and write a plan out so we get to take part in everything and be more organized, instead of just going with the flow, which did work but when we come to do it on a bigger scale we could have problems. Also meet our actor's before we film to get to know them and to see if they will be right for filming.

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