Wednesday 20 October 2010

Helen's evaluation

I believe that our finished recreation of  a previous year 12's film 'Pendant' shows that we can successfully frame shots, use a variety of shot types and composition techniques and can hold a shot steady (whether it is hand held or using the tripod). In our recreation we tried to keep ours as similar to the original as possible.

I think that our version of Pendant follows the rules of continuity editing very well as the shots flow together. We did not use any editing transitions as we filmed in such a way that the shots flowed correctly, also we did not use any as the task we were given was to recreate an existing film and the original did not contain any transitions, therefore we did not add any as this would change the original film slightly which was not our aim.

Even though our film did not need any make up or costumes as such, I think we managed to get the correct things for this recreation as in the film we have our actress in casual clothes. We managed to choose appropriate props for our film genre- psychological- as we had a pendant which is an important part of the film. We chose an approprite location for our remake as we actually filmed where the original was made, therefore we were able to film the same locations as the original. An appropriate actress was picked as the actor in the original film was just a regular person who was in possesion of a pendant.

I helped with the completion of the film by
- helping to pick the film and therefore the part of this which we would recreate.
- finding the actress that was used in our recreation.
- writing out the shot list so we could use it on location.
- took out the tripod from the college and took it to the film location.
- at the location I helped to pick what angles were best to shoot at due to the sun and i looked after the equipment and personal belongings during filming.
- advised the public when they could walk through the shots and when they could not.
- when we were editing-even though I never actually used the iMac- i helped choose which shots we would use out of the many that we filmed, what sound effects would be used and where. As well as the soundtrack to our recreation. If we could film this again I think we would try really hard to achieve the same shot angles as the original, even though this would be difficult as the bench used in the original is no longer there.  Also I think we would film it at a different time of day so the lighting is not so bright. I do not think there are many things we would do differently in our final coursework film, as we believe we have managed the continuity and other aspects of filming very well. In our final coursework piece we may do each shot many times so we could choose the best one to actually use in the piece. I also think that we may change the time of day we choose to film so that lighting is not much of an issue.
Helen Gill ---- in a group with Bronwyn Stevens and Jade Dring

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