Friday 1 April 2011

Evaluation Question 4 - Jade

How does your media product represent particular social groups?

Horror genre tends to generalise women as a stereotypically ‘weak’ gender. In most horror films both old and contemporary, the victims tend to be women, reflecting them as the weaker, less dominant gender. However in our film we decided to challenge this, making the protagonist (eventually also the victim of his own crimes) male. Like in most films of the same genre (such as The Ring), we have portrayed the age of the protagonist as between 18 and 25, which was also our target audience, meaning that they could possibly relate and therefore find the narrative more chilling.

As our main character was a convict, we thought it important to support the stereotypical attire of a realistic world. Mise en scene/costume included a plain tracksuit, and shaved hair – much as you would expect a young convict to appear. This again as a hope of boosting the realism of our film. We didn’t want to exaggerate costume/make up and as a result detach ourselves from our attempt to create a believeable atmosphere.

Having had our audience feedback returned, it was stated that we did well in representing the included social groups within our film. It was noticed that we used our mise en scene positively to achieve this, and people commented upon our good use of camerawork such as framing and composition which allowed this clear presentation of social groups - such as high camera angles making the protagonist appear isolated thus reflecting his current social group and position in society as a convict.

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