Friday 1 April 2011

Evaluation Question 9- Bronwyn

Final question- What was your contribution to the process during the planning, production and post production stages? (give specific examples of what you did)

Our group work consistantly well together, as we split the jobs up equally through out when planning, filming and editing of our film. We did the jobs that we were more suited to and also our stronger points in the making of our film.

Through the planning stages we were all committed to meet up and draft ideas by contributing to different ideas of the story line, actor's and location. I contributed more for the idea of the story line as I felt the genre we chose (being psychological) gave me many possible idea's that were original compared to having a stereotypical psychological film. I found that my strongest area was drawing all the story boards making sure that the shot list matched up to the story board and that the compositions were good when it came to filming. This was a good role for me as I'm doing A-level art. I spent a lot of time on that, so the other did more of the other producing. 

When it came to the filming the we worked as a team to take all the equipment to the location and made sure our actor was alright and for him to know what he was doing. We shared the jobs out evenly when filming. I felt that my strongest point was filming and making sure the shots were good with what we planed in our shot list. We all had input when doing the filming and making little changes as we went on. I did a little bit of the lighting as well when we swapped roles round. 

The editing part we were able to work on two computers, by one person working on the sound track while the other two were working on the editing. But we swapped around every hour to listen or see what the others had done, which then we'd discussed changes and what worked well and didn't to get everyone's input to make it fair. This allowed us to get more things done by working on different computers. During the editing we need voice over which I had a good piece of technology to record on, this helped to our advantage as it allowed us just to get voice’s instead of filming.  

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