Friday 1 April 2011

Evaluation Question 8- Helen

Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

As a group we all feel that our final piece (the horror film) is a vast improvement on our preliminary task - which we were to re-create a piece of an existing AS Media students work. We believe that the final piece is better as we now have a better understanding of the filming equipment (cameras, tripods) and of editing equipment ( Mac Suite). Also we feel more comfortable with the equipment. We also believe that the final piece is better as we were able to be more creative, as we were not copying another film - we were able to choose what shots and angles we wanted and what we could and couldn't film was not already determined for us. - This is the link to our preliminary video.

During our preliminary task we learnt that Mise-en-scene was a very important thing to get right, as if it was slightly wrong the narrative and sequencing of the film would not really make sense. Therefore during the filming of our final piece we were extra careful to ensure that mise-en-scene was correct. Also during the filming of our preliminary task we learnt that the way in which shots were framed and what angles they were shot from was very important- so again during the filming of our final piece we payed close attention to these details.

If we were to do the preliminary production again I believe that we would pay close attention to and scrutinise every single detail until we were completely happy with the final product. Although I believe we wouldn't actually do much differently as we were quite pleased with how it turned out- especially as it was our first production  in AS Media and in our group.

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