Friday 1 April 2011

Evaluation Question 6- Helen

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

Some examples of production companies that may produce our films are:
-          Hoya Production.
                  -          Warner Bros.
-          Hawk Films.
-          Image Ten.

We would use them as these companies would help our project by helping to raise funds, advertise and help with the physical production of the film. These companies would use our film as it fits in with the target audiences of other films they have produced. All the films fit in the same age group, genre and social group.
Our film relates to many British films at the levels of Distribution, Exhibition and Production. We- like many larger productions- have gone and found a specific target audience for our product and have then designed our final piece to fit these criteria. By doing so we were able to pick actors and settings that would better suit their tastes.
The way in which our film was produced can be seen as both different and similar to the way in which larger media institutions produce their pieces. It is similar as we had to choose a location and suitable actors and then we had to go and physically film our piece, after this we then had to edit our footage into our final production. However, the ways in which ours is different to a major production company is that we do not have the budget that they have and therefore we are unable to get the same level of special effects and high technological aspects, so this is a major difference between a production of ours and one of their productions.

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