Friday 1 April 2011

Evaluation Question 9- Helen

Final question- What was your contribution to the process during the planning, production and post production stages? (give specific examples of what you did)

In our group we all tried to split up the work as evenly as possible, so that the workload was evenly spread between the three of us in the group. We did however give people more work within areas they felt more comfortable with. E.g. one member felt more comfortable with filming, whilst another felt more comfortable with lighting.
During the planning of our film I helped with a lot of the ideas and contributed a lot to the planning folder. I contributed by filling in lots of the  planning sheets

 and I also contributed to our Foundation Portfolio Blogger Account, adding new post to keep everyone updated on our progress.

During the production of our film all the members of my group split the responsibilities pretty evenly. When we arrived at our first location to shoot the interior shots I set up the camera for the first time along with the tripod- which we positioned at the correct height for the shots needed. Later on in the filming day when it got darker I was put in charge of lighting- where I had to make sure that there was not too much or too little light and to make sure that it didn’t look to unnatural.

Also during the course of the filming I worked hard alongside the group to choose the best possible locations and angles to film at.
During the post-production of our film our group split up the jobs evenly. We all took in turns to edit the footage we had recorded, and we all used Garage band before coming together and deciding on the final pieces of music for our soundtrack.

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