Friday 1 April 2011

Evaluation Question 9- Jade

Final question- What was your contribution to the process during the planning, production and post production stages? (give specific examples of what you did)

When assigning tasks to group members, we tried extremely hard to divide it evenly, or allow each member a chance to perform each task - consequently providing them the experience of doing so.  During the planning stage I did a large amount of work, including helping to decide upon the initial narrative of our film. I helped piece together our pitch, I completed our recee sheet (which includes details of the location at which it was filmed)
I co-wrote the script and completed the shot list. However, I also looked into ideas such as what costume our actors may wear, what kind of title sequence may be suitable for our film considering its genre. I took main responsibility of finding our actor, as a drama student myself I was easily able to find someone interested.

When it came to the actual production of the film, the group shared most tasks evenly. All members controlled the video camera/tripod during certain shots, and were able to set up for recording, whilst we all also had control over lighting; placing the torch where necessary, setting up the large red siren light, and assessing whether or not the natural light was enough to use during the shoot. Whilst I did control a minor part of the lighting during the film, the majority of my time was spent controlling the camera (both on the tripod and off) for example one of our hand held shots (running through a forest) was shot by myself, as I ran with the camera another team member followed closely behind with the lighting allowing us to capture the shot effectively.

The post production of the film was the most evenly shared process. Considering our lessons are two hours long and we have three group members, we took it in turns to control the Mac/iMovie week by week. One member would control the keys etc, while we all as a team discussed changes needed and put forward our ideas. This allowed us an even amount of time using the software, whilst also having all our suggestions heard and possibly applied. However, on a Wednesday our college hold a two hour enrichment session where students are able to explore other subjects.  Another team member and I spent this time coming into the Mac suite and adding further adjustments to our film, improving minor details that may not have been spotted in previous lessons and continuing to refine elements such as the music or title sequence. I believe this extra work came in very useful as we actually decide to completely re-create the title sequence for more effect, and correct our mise en scene mistakes from the first try.

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